Serial numbers, VIN.

Lancia Montecarlo, Scorpion & 037 Registry.

The updated list of all known cars. If you have or know the serial number of a car that is not on this list or have missing information, please give me all the relevant information so that I can update the registry.

The main purpose of this register is to prove existence and record the history of the individual cars. For most of the 037 rally cars the original and later registration numbers are now known, so most of the rally history of the individual cars is now proved. New information is very welcome!

! I am also very much interested in the previous registration numbers to match with old pictures.

This web register is a compilation of the (old) Italian, Swiss, French, German, Dutch, UK and US Scorpion registries, completed with the entries from owners all over the world since 10.1999 and since 2012 with a lot of extra help from Italy.

Last update April 2023. Total: 3140 cars now known (37 new entries since October 2021).

Important: check that the stamped VIN in the front bulkhead is the same as on the identification plates and as in the car papers.

Regrettably some of the VIN in these lists are not correct or double.

A double VIN is caused by a wrong entry from the owner or a wrong entry on the car papers which couldn’t be verified.

A wrong VIN is caused by a fault made on the car papers which couldn’t be verified.

Please keep mailing me the VIN and info from the cars you own or see!   

email contact   attn. Arnoud Coenen.

We need your help!


For an ongoing research in the production process we need some extra data about your car.

Before the actual production a body or build number was given to each car.

We try to get the full meaning of this number but need more data.

Please do take a good look at your Montecarlo or Scorpion and email 

1. Body /  Build number (see photo)  * The number can be hidden under the rubber seal. *

2. Last 4 digits of the VIN / Chassis number

3. For Scorpions the MFD date as on the plastic tab on the left hand door post

4. Confirmation of spider or coupe version

Thanks very much for your assistance.